Definition of mangrove

Definition of mangrove

Mangroves are plants that live in the habitat dikotil brackish. Dikotil plants are plants whose fruit yields seed split in two. Mango trees are examples and examples dikotil tree monocot plants are palm trees. Group of trees in the mangrove area may consist of a specific type of tree or set of trees that communities can live in saltwater. Commonly found in the mangrove forests along the coast of tropical and subtropical regions, between 32 ° North Latitude and 38 ° South latitude.

Mangrove forest is a complex ecosystem consisting of coastal flora and fauna, as well as living in the habitat land and sea, between high tide and low tide limit. Role in protecting the coastline from erosion, ocean waves and hurricanes. Mangroves also serve as a buffer (of natural shield) and stabilize the soil by capturing and trapping sediment-borne material from land and river water were then carried out to sea by the current.

Mangrove forests thrive and widespread in the delta and the rivers flow with a wide estuary. On the beach there is no river, narrow mangrove areas. Mangrove forests have great tolerance to salinity and can thrive in high salinity land where ordinary crops can not grow.

The term mangrove is not always reserved for the taxonomic classification of certain species, but described include all the tropical plants that are halophytic or salt tolerant. Plants are able to grow in soft wet land, sea habitats and exposed to tidal fluctuations. In addition, these plants have a way of viviparous reproduction by developing fruit that sprouts (seed germination) during still on the parent tree.

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