6 Menu Breakfast to Boost Brain Performance

6 Menu Breakfast to Boost Brain Performance


For those of you who have the bustle and activity of the solid, time is very precious. In the morning, the average people skip breakfast in order to pursue a welcome solid activity. Avoid these bad habits. Make sure you start the day with the intake of foods that improve brain performance in order to run more focused activity. It is more helpful than a cup of coffee.

Try to consume 6 breakfast menu to enhance the performance and power of the brain, such as the following:1. Low Fat Yogurt with Flaxseed

Flaxseed or flaxseed contains Omega-3 healthy fats to help maintain brain function and memory, Consumption cup low-fat yogurt sprinkled with flax seeds will help to improve brain performance. Yogurt is high in protein to keep the concentration levels in the morning.
2. Wheat Cereal with Dried FruitCereal grains may help keep blood sugar levels while providing energy through a busy day. Combine with a few pieces of dried fruit to increase your fiber intake, and complete with soy milk to increase your protein intake.

3. Egg White Omelet with Protein Low Fat

If you want a tasty meal, make egg white omelets and add low-fat cuts of meat that comes with fresh vegetables. High protein intake will help you stay focused and prevent hunger until before lunchtime.

4. Wheat Bread with Peanut Butter

Spread peanut butter on whole wheat bread as a nutritious breakfast. Choose peanut butter to avoid the consumption of unhealthy fats and whole wheat bread to get high fiber. Carbohydrates of the fiber will be digested much longer so make full longer and keeping blood sugar levels stable throughout the day.

5. Fruit and Yogurt Smoothie

Consumption of fruits that have a low glycemic index as a mixture of yogurt smoothie in the morning you are bright and make this a healthy and delicious breakfast menu in the morning.

6. Cereal Mix

Cereal is one of the best sources of fiber. Combine cereal with fruit, nuts, seeds, wheat, and apples. Use honey as a natural sweetener and fill with soy milk or fat-free milk to maximize the brain works.

Make sure you give your body every morning intake of nutritious foods to keep your blood sugar levels remain stable, preventing fatigue, and keep the mood in the best condition.Eat one of 6 breakfast menu every day to keep the maximum performance of the brain in the morning.

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